
Below are a few of my designs:

  • Complete Bakery Process Systems – From tanker intake to mixers.
  • FDS Design – Over my career I have been responsible for the FDS design of the flour and ingredients handling systems for most of the sites of one of Britain’s largest Bakery Chains.
  • Vacuum conveying systems with multiple silo discharge to multiple mixers simultaneously.  Being used widely now in the UK at some of our largest Bakers.
  • Weighstation  – Ring main and Stop end Flour and Liquids Weighstation – Specifically designed to prevent the need for bag handling and subsequently to reduce dust emmisions in Bakeries.  Used by one of our leading large scale bakeries in the UK and one of our better known cake manufacturers.
  • Mini Weighstation – Low cost stainless steel mini ring main weighstation and tubular metering discharge system.  Used in the production of Pie Pastry, Soda Bread, and Pancake Batter.
  • Bespoke Squat Indoor Flour Silos incorporating Activators and Fluidisation for discharge and a unique fill distribution to gain the utmost capacity.
  • Knock Out Pot – Several versions of a ring main “Knock out pot”.
  • Various versions of the exhaust vented blowline feed hopper.
  • Heat Exchanger – Blowline, clean air heat exchanger for use with glycol
  • Heat Sinc – Blowline, clean air heat sinc for Land Based Tanker blowers, features no moving parts or maintenance.
  • Sight Glass – Solid Acrylic Flour blowline sight glass.
  • Loss In Weight Feeder – Specifically designed for large weighments but accurate to 100gm.  Slower more accurate versions can also be achieved.